Carbon free living, it is something we keep hearing or reading often about. But living on a planet where carbon is one of the most abundant elements on the periodic table, how can we live without carbon?
Percentage Of Carbon
Carbon exists in a solid-state, fluid state and is found as a gas. The total percentage of Carbon, compared to all other elements is approximately 0.03%.
But for living organisms that percentage is much higher. Even our own human body is made of 18.5 % Carbon. Without Carbon, we would simply not be able to exist.
Knowing this, then we have to understand that there is something really wrong with the statement “carbon free living”.
The C in CO2
Listening to most politicians, and climate activists the real problem in this world is CO2.
(The C in CO2 (carbon dioxide) stands for the Carbon element of the gas. The other part is O2 (oxygen). Yes Oxygen, that’s partially the stuff we breathe. If we could separate the two, then we could store the carbon, and breathe the oxygen, right?
Wouldn’t that be the ideal formula?
Back To School
Well, let me take you back to your school days when you learned about the birds, the bees, the plants and trees.
Our nature needs CO2. The more CO2 added to the atmosphere the more nature will thrive. Plants will grow bigger. Trees will grow taller, and fruits will turn out more abundant. In principle, all plants and trees harvest and store CO2.
Then Why This Fear For CO2?
Well, that’s a very good question. The media picked up on it. Hence, some of the famous movies around the subject, narrated by famous US-based politicians helped the cause of fear for CO2. And before we knew it, we had a CO2 crisis. Not just in the US but globally. CO2 became a business opportunity.
True, this world is in turmoil, needs help, no doubt about that. This planet knows many problems. But, CO2 is not one of them.
The Fear Mongers At Work
Climate change has been put upon us as dangerous for the planet. But that’s just plainly not true. A higher level of CO2 is uncomfortable for humans, as climate changes and shifts. Is that why the whole planet needs to change and adapt to human needs?.
It is pretty normal that CO2 levels rise and fall. It’s the cycle of nature. Thousands of years ago, Rome was part of the ice age. Now it’s a sub-tropical climate. Just the cycle of the seasons, and some other changes in nature. But during the last ice age in Rome, there was no industrial revolution yet. Then what caused that ice age?
Yes, there are more greenhouse gases, of which CO2 is one of them. But, our air pollution is only part of that increase in CO2. Most likely is the pollution of land and air in itself of bigger harm to the health of the planet than the CO2 issues that are put upon us.
Deforestation is another massive contributor to the rise in CO2. Many of these oxygen-producing trees end up in the atmosphere, instead of their valuable carbon stored in their structures for centuries to come.
Media and politicians need buzzwords. CO2 seemed such a unique buzzword that can drive the “fear” narrative.
Let’s plant more trees, and sequester valuable carbon, in order for trees to produce more much-needed oxygen.