young people & old people can do this

Everyone Can Grow A Forest

Any person planting 1 tree per week,

plants a forest of

520 trees in 10 years.

About UsThe Programs


an organisation dedicated to regeneration of forests

Here at PlantTreesToday we believe that every person can add to the health and well-being of Mother Earth.

We all have a responsibility towards a cleaner and greener world. This small contribution can be done alone, or, and that is much more fun, be done in groups.

If all of us take continuous action, we do believe that change can be achieved.

Plant Trees Today..!

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Trees Planted
Home Growers
Community Growers
Corporate Growers

— reasons to JOIN us —

Guaranteed Results

We live on a planet with declining forests. Therefore, Mother Earth requires more trees. Your help is needed to rejuvenate and regenerate our forests, through a continuous effort of group, and community engagement.

Heal Mother Earth
Start A Movement
Fun Activities
No Capital Required
Long Lasting Results
Never Stop

Real People. Real Results.

Check out what members say about our programs!

— check out our programs —

Plant Tree Programs
Plant Trees Today Home Grower

Home Grower

do it from home
Plant Trees Today Community Grower

Community Grower

do it with your friends & family
Plant Trees Today Corporate Grower

Corporate Grower

do it with your company
Plant Trees Today Home Grower

Home Grower

The home grower works from home, and builds his forest from the comfort of his own surroundings.
  • Easy to get started, little space required
  • See your forest grow daily
  • Once a week, take a hike, and plant a tree

Home Growers are the heart of our organization.

Growing a forest from your own living room, bedroom or balcony is definitely possible. Seeing a forest appear from one single seed is a powerful feeling. Everyone can do this. Learning to pop seeds, nurture them into tiny trees, and plant them in strategic locations is a small feat. Keeping it up over a longer period will grow a forest guaranteed. 


A Home Grower get this satisfaction on a daily basis.

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Community Grower

The Community Grower grows forests with family and friends, is actively involved in events. And can request sponsorship.
  • Enjoy planting trees with family and friends
  • Educate more people regarding the need
  • Start a movement
  • Repeat a few times per year

Community Growers are participating in a group activity often led by a Home Grower who has the knowledge and the skills to lead the community in the endeavour.

Community Growers can be school classes, sports clubs, travel friends, company colleagues, family members, and any other group to be imagined.

Community Growers make it happen together.

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Plant Trees Today Community Grower
Plant Trees Today Corporate Grower

Corporate Grower

Corporate Growers assist and sponsor projects with and for Community Growers.
  • Help Regenerating Forests Worldwide
  • Adopt Sustainable CSR Programs
  • Follow & Adopt Community Grower Programs
  • Actively Starts Community Grower Programs

Corporate Growers sponsor one or various PlantTreesToday projects. This could be done in your own city or country, or even abroad.

Corporate Growers donate funds to the project, and they will be able to adopt projects and even name the project. We fully understand that corporations often located in an urban environment, would like to participate in PlantTreesToday, but because of geo-location can’t.

Corporate Growers enable Community Grower projects.

The Corporate Grower program is ideal to help Mother Earth host more forests.

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— questions & answers —

Questions People Asked Before

Feel free to ask us anything, as our team is here to support your venture in growing more forests around the globe.

How can I plant a tree with zero capital?
That's easy, We will provide all the information for free on this website. Just stay tuned here and on our social channels.
What are the other ways I can contribute?
As an organzition of volunteers, there is plenty to do! You can contribute in admin, content writing, photography, design work for our social channels, volunteering during our events..
Why are there paid memberships?
As a not-for-profit organization, we use the majority of all funds to sponsor projects in countries that might not be able to achieve their goals by themselves.
What kind of trees can I plant?
Any kind! But we like diversity. Or think of foodforests, where the harvest contributes in other ways as well. From time to time we will distribute brochures regarding tree planting.
Why are trees so important?
Trees are our source of oxygen, food, store carbon, stabilise the soil & earth (prevent natural disasters), habitat for other species, ecosystem management, shelter, and their medicinal values.
Can really everybody grow a forest?
Yes, absolutely, with some knowledge, inspiration and the belief that you can, you will achieve!

Have More Questions?

Contact us today.

— join us today, and grow the movement worldwide —


FREE MEMBERSHIP? – If you would not have the means for a paid membership, but still would like to volunteer. Do contact our membership service department –

Mother Earth...

your help is appreciated
“As the years tick away, I have been feeling more, and more unhealthy. I feel that my health is deteriorating faster lately. A bit of extra oxygen would help me tremendously. You helping me to grow more forests would be so much appreciated. Love Mother.”

— inspire others —

Download For Free

Here at PlantTreesToday we want to inspire people around the globe to get passionate about growing trees. Creating forests with friends and family is so much fun. Get started today.

It’s time to inspire each other!

Download the latest PlantTreesToday Guide.



matthias gelber, 35 years experience in the sustainability field, driven, passionate, educator, business builder. Planted 100,000+ trees.
Matthias Gelber (The Green Man)
Planted 100,000 Trees.

Matthias gelber – The Green Man, 35 years experience in the sustainability field, driven, passionate, educator, business builder. Planted 100,000+ trees.
read more

saiful bahri samuel, 27 years corporate & strategic accounting, financial management & administration of oil palm plantations and real estate industry. Planted 32 trees.
Saiful Bahri Samuel
Planted 32 Trees.

Saiful Bahri Samuel, 27 years corporate & strategic accounting, financial management & administration of oil palm plantations and real estate industry. Planted 32 trees.
read more

kwai nam loh
Kwai Nam Loh
Planted 43 Trees.

Kwai Nam Loh, worked with the largest univesities in Asia. Live-long ambition to empower people. Blockchain & crypto educator. Planted 43 trees.
read more

ng kean lu
Ng Kean Lu
Planted 11 Trees.

29 years investment banking, licensed equity & derivatives participant, and 12 years property development. Planted 11 trees.
read more

— stay up to date —

Reading Materials From Our Members

Keep up with the latest news of the organization and our members. Stay in touch with what is happening around the globe!

— any questions? or want to share your ideas? —

Contact Us

Here at PlantTreesToday we would love to hear from you. Do share with us your future plans and ideas, and we will look into how to support you.

Together we can make this happen!

Office Hours (GMT/UTC+7)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia